Set Automatic Log Out For Idle Users WordPress

How To Set Automatic Log Out For Idle Users In WordPress

There are many multi-author websites which are quite challenging to handle. It’s because of the website owner doesn’t know the activity of all the other users and it can be a hack prone situation.

To improve the security, you should set automatic log out for idle users. It’s because many users leave their account logged in which is dangerous.

Any hacker can enter your website and ruin your hard work.

Haven’t you seen at any banking website? Once you stop refreshing any page, they log you out within a few seconds.

You can do the same for the lazy users of your website. In this tutorial, you will learn the easiest way to set automatic log out for idle users in WordPress.

What Do You Really Need To Apply This Functionality

As WordPress repository is full of its plugins which are the saviors.

From thousands of the plugins, you have to install and activate Idle User Logout plugin.

After activation, go to Settings>>Idle User Logout and the plugin configuration page will appear. There is not much to do.

The default logout time would be 20 seconds. It’s your choice whether you want to change it or not.

There is also an option to disable it WP Admin area. For better security, you should uncheck it.

Click on “Idle Behaviour” for more settings. It will consist the settings for all the type of users. You can set the timing for the administrator, contributor, editor etc depending on your choice.

You can also choose the impact after these users get logged out.

You can redirect them to a new page or the login page. Many membership website owners redirect their users to the blog page or a special page.

It’s the matter of choice. You can choose that special page using the next option showing in the settings.

Leave the automatic logout timing blank if you want to use the default value. But if you want, you can add anything else.

Don’t forget to save the settings of both the pages.

Once it’s set, your idle users will get logged out whenever they sit doing nothing. It will help you secure your website and all the users will understand the value of remaining active.

Isn’t that Easy to Set Automatic Log out for Idle Users In WordPress

WordPress always comes up with something new. Such types of things are known to a few users.

Most of the website owners don’t take their website’s security seriously and face the consequences. That’s why most of the web hostings are forcing their users to use a strong password.

If you’re a multi-author user website owner, you would like to set automatic log out for Idle users. If you have any doubt, feel free to drop your query.

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by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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